Copper Dowsing Pendulum with Lantern Shape for Body Healing, Reiki Balancing Chakras, Aura Cleansing, Water Divining, Ghost Hunting, Meditation Chi
- Made from highly conductive copper metal. As a conductor of energy, it can enhance crystal properties, help to repair tissues, oxygenate the blood, ease arthritis, strengthening the reproductive system and increase vitality.
- Ask questions and seek answers - The pendulum utilizes gravity and momentum to respond to energy in a way that is meaningful to the pendulum user. Pendulums swing in vertical straight lines, horizontal straight lines, and in circular movements. Learn the directions of your pendulum, typical movements: Vertical swing = NO, Horizontal swing = YES, Circular movement = NEUTRAL
- Balancing chakras for mind and body - Holding the pendulum over the seven chakras of the body helps to reveal any imbalances and energy blockages in your chakras. Improve your meditation and relaxation by helping the flow of Chi through your body.
- Ghost hunting and communicating with spirit realm - The pendulum can move in the direction of invisible spiritual energy around us including ghosts and other entities. Ask questions of the spirit world for answers on loved ones or hauntings. Feel the vibrations of the unseen and sense paranormal activity from increased activity in the movements.
- So Many Uses - Spiritual cleansing, Physical Healing, Reading Tarot charts, Checking your polarity, Detecting energies, Understanding synchronistic events, Predicting gender of an unborn baby, Finding misplaced items, Checking the status of your chakras, Discovering your guides, Picking out pets, Enhancing your intuition, Identifying your resonant color, Checking the validity of advice, Determining trustworthiness, Selecting a location on a map, Making design choices, Spreading joy and light
Spiritual Healing
Pendulums promote spiritual and physical healing by locating any blocks in a person's chi (energy). It is a simple tool which helps in balancing, healing and clearing our mind and body. They help us seek answers to certain questions by picking on subtle vibrations. They do so by moving in the direction of invisible energy around us. There are many divination treatments that can be done including Chakra balancing, Aura cleansing, Clearing the blockage of chi (energy) in the body, and Grounding.<p>
Copper Pendulum
Copper is a highly energy conductive element of earth that can be used to amplify and straighten the energies of crystals or shield a person from electromagnetic pollution. When formed into a pendulum, it can be used from many purposes including healing, identifying allergies, cleansing negativity in a room, finding lost objects/pets or even finding water. When used in chakra reading, it can reveal the subtle energy that animates our physical bodies. When these are out of alignment, we can be pulled in several directions and feel off center from our most natural state of well being.
Reading the Pendulum
When placed over the 7 chakra centers (the 7 primary centers are most used) the pendulum will move, showing us both the direction and size of the energy the chakra is emitting. The energy level will reveal balance, imbalance, or energy blocks.
[Clockwise] = Open Chakra State - Energy is in balance and flowing freely.
[Counterclockwise] = Closed Chakra State - Energy is restricted, out of balance, or blocked
[Straight line] = Partially open/closed Chakra State - Energy imbalance and/or partial blockage.
[Elliptical] = Right/Left side imbalance - Energy is flowing, though out of balance on one or both sides.
[No movement] = Blocked Chakra State - No energy is moving through, full blockage.